20 Jul 2018

Answer the following questions for both MARIJUANNA & COCAINE:

1) What's the drug, and what is the most common route of administration?

2) What neurotransmitter system(s) is it affecting primarily?

3) Where is the drug having its effect on synaptic transmission (refer to Figure 4.4 on p.83 in your text; tell me what specific action is being affected (answer by noting which step, #1-11, from the figure) and explain. If more than one NT system is affected, just choose one main action to tell me about.

4) Is the drug having an agonist or antagonist effect on the neurotransmitter(s) listed in #2? Explain?

5) What are the drug's main effects on behavior/perception

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
23 Jul 2018

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