
Which statement best explains the difference between the electrondistributions of a bonding orbital (e.g., H2?) and an anti-bondingorbital (e.g., He2?)?

A)The electrons in the bonding orbital tend to be distributedbetween the two atoms. This is because of their tendency to beshared among the two nuclei.
B)The electrons in an anti-bonding orbital situation tend to be asfar apart as possible. The involved nuclei repel each other.
C)In a bonding orbital situation, the electron distribution isbetween the nuclei, because both nuclei want to share theelectrons. In an anti- bonding circumstance, the electrondistribution is around each atom. There is a void between thenuclei and the nuclei repel each other.
D)Anti-bonding orbitals and bonding orbitals have similardistributions. The difference is in the overall electron densitybetween atoms.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
13 Jul 2019

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