10 Nov 2019

  1. You saw in the practice problemsthat certain nitriles, when substituted withelectron? withdrawing groups, can act as dienophiles inDiels?Alder reactions. The compound illustrated belowundergoes an intramolecularDiels?Alderreaction when heated. Of course intramolecular reactions areusually faster than intermolecular ones, and in this case thereaction proceeds extraordinarily rapidly without electron?withdrawinggroups on the nitrile dienophile.

    1. Draw a curved?arrowmechanism that leads to the most likely product of thisintramolecular Diels?Alderreaction.

    2. The product of this reaction isactually not stable as drawn and immediately tautomerizes. Draw theactual final product of the reaction. (Hint: remembertautomerization from your study of alkyne reactions, and note thatnitrogen as well as oxygen compounds can behave in this way.) Whatis the driving force for this seemingly disfavored tautomerization(i.e., why is it actually more favorable in the

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