
Suppose you are a doctor who is caring for a young child sufferingfrom a severe skin infection. As part of the child’s care, thedoctor has ordered IV Tazidime®, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, at adose of 45 mg/kg/hr (that is, 45 mg of Tazidime® per kg of bodyweight per hour).

Given that the child weighs 27 lbs (NOTE: 2.2 lbs = 1 kg) and thatthe antibiotic is supplied as a solution containing 0.100 g ofTazidime® per /mL (of solution), what dosage rate (in mL per hour)should be administered to achieve the desired dosage rate of 45mg/kg/hr?

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
28 Sep 2019

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