
How do you know when to draw a single/double/triple bond whendrawing Lewis Structures? I need a good answer because I stilldon't understand Lewis Strucctures.

-Used to determine the total number of bonds in amolecule or ion
-Forumula: Number of Bonds = (number of octet electrons - numberof valance electrons)/(2)
-Example of Bond math: PCl3. There are 4 atoms so4 times 8 (octet) = 32. And P (5 valance)
plus 7 times 3 (three Cl atoms in the molecule andCl has 7 valence electrons) equals 26. So,
(32-26)/(2)= 3 Bonds.

How do you get the number of octet electrons? Idon't see how they got 4 atoms????

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
28 Sep 2019

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