11 Nov 2019

In the first column (pH), predict whether an aqueous solution of the compound would be acidic (a), basic (b) or neutral (n).

In the numbered boxes,

Use the solubility rules to predict the result of mixing the two solutions that intersect to form each box. For example, box #1 represents the mixing of aqueous solutions of HCl and KOH.

IF . . .

- a reaction occurs and a precipitate (ppt) forms, write the balanced molecular equation for the reaction. Indicate the formation of a precipitate by using the appropriate state of matter in the equation and by indicating the color of the precipitate. Write the color of the precipitate in the appropriate box in the table. (See #2.)

- a reaction occurs and a gas is produced in the reaction, write the balanced molecular equation for the reaction. Indicate the formation of a gas by using the appropriate state of matter in the equation. Write “bubbles” in the appropriate box in the table.

- a reaction occurs but no precipitate forms, write the balanced molecular equation for the reaction. Write NP in the appropriate box in the table. (See #1.)

- no reaction occurs, write NR in the appropriate box in the table. (See #72.)

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
13 Apr 2019

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