11 Nov 2019

In the reaction equation shown below, there are three rectants, but in lab you only combined two solutions together. One was 0.001 M aqueous KMnO4 and the other contained aqueous NaNO2 and HCl. Complete the following statements. You may find the flowchart (attached) helpful.

5 NaNO2 + 2 KMnO4+ + 6 HCl ---> 5 NaNO3 + 2 KCl + 2 MnCl2 + 3 H2O

The provided aqueous KMnO4 was ___? Explain your reasoning for the classification

a. pure element

b. heterogenous mixture

c. pure compound

d. homogeneous mixture

The provided aqueous NaNO2 + HCL was a ___? Explain your reasoning for the classification

a. pure element

b. heterogenous mixture

c. pure compound

d. homogeneous mixture

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
17 Feb 2019

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