11 Nov 2019

Using orbital diagrams, determine the number of unpaired electrons in each of the following atoms. Start with the noble-gas core designation in the first box and then enter electron arrows. Enter your answer using UP to indicate an upwards pointing arrow, DOWN to indicate a downwards pointing arrow, UP/DOWN to indicate two arrows(electrons) in the same orbital, and BLANK to indicate no arrows. Designate unpaired electrons as UP arrows and keep all unpaired electrons and empty orbitals in the rightmost boxes of a subshell. Fill in the last box in each atom with the number of unpaired electrons in the atom.

(a) Cl
[ ] s d p
Number unpaired e-

(b) Cs
[ ] s d p
Number unpaired e-

(c) Ga
[ ] s d p
Number unpaired e-

(d) Sc
[ ] s d p
Number unpaired e-

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
24 Mar 2019

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