
At a height of 310 km above the Earth's surface, an astronaut findsthat the atmospheric pressure is about 1.27E-8 mmHg and thetemperature is 597 K. How many molecules of gas are there permilliliter at this altitude? (Enter the number of molecules, withno units.)

Two gases, argon (30.6 grams) and carbon monoxide (8.8 grams), areconfined in a container at a pressure of 960.0 torr. Calculate thepartial pressure of argon in torr. (You may need to look up theformula for one or both of your gases.)

Liquid helium at 4.2 K has a density of 0.147 g/mL. Suppose that a2.00-L metal bottle that contains air at 108K and 3.0 atm pressureis sealed off. If we inject 90.0 mL of liquid helium and allow theentire system to warm to room temperature (25

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
28 Sep 2019
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