15 Nov 2019

A sample of methane gas at a pressure of 1.09 atm and a temperature of 20.8 °C, occupies a volume of 14.3 liters. If the gas is compressed at constant temperature to a volume of 5.73 liters, the pressure of the gas sample will be in atm.

A sample of oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.919 atm and a temperature of 29.7 °C, occupies a volume of 711 mL. If the gas is allowed to expand at constant temperature until its pressure is 0.673 atm, the volume of the gas sample will be in mL.

A sample of helium gas at a pressure of 0.820 atm and a temperature of 23.4 °C, occupies a volume of 845 mL. If the gas is compressed at constant temperature until its pressure is 1.28 atm, the volume of the gas sample will be in mL

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
21 Sep 2019
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