17 Nov 2019

Please help answer these questions in detailed!
Unknown Number: 3
Molecular Formula:
Index of Hydrogen Deficiency:
Mass Spec
Molecular Weight:
Important Fragments; what are they and what do they mean? (base peak structure, is there a halogen, is there a benzene ring, is there an odd number of nitrogens, other important fragments that tell something about the structure)
Is there an OH? Wavenumber?
Is there a carbonyl group? If so what type (acid. ester, amide, aldehyde, ketone etc.)? Wave number?
Other important peaks (terminal alkyne, cyano group, aromatic, alkene, nitro group, amine etc.) and where are they?
Identify every signal; chemical shift, what is it due to( i.e what type of proton, aromatic, aldehydic, O-H, N-H, vinyl etc.) and how many protons does it represent.
How many different types of carbons are present?
What type of carbon does each signal represent?
How can you put the skeleton together?
Carefully, and thoroughly show how you used the spectral data to determine your structure. Show how all your data confirms your structure. Especially useful is using 1H-NMR as confirmation.

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
22 Jun 2019

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