18 Nov 2019

Exp. 11 (2 meetings): Synthesis of Aspirin and Melting Point Determination

1. What is the melting point range of your aspirin sample?

2. What were the results of your FeCl3 tests when you compared the aspirin you made to the commercial aspirin?

3. Do the results of your melting point determination agree with the results from your FeCl3 test? Explain.


1. Give two physical properties you observed in your crude (unpurified) aspirin sample.

2. If the theoretical yield of a reaction was calculated to be 3.11g and the actual yield was 2.65g, what was the percent yield for the reaction? Show formula and all work.

3. If a melting point range is greater than 3o C, such as 119.5o C to 125.8o C, what can you say about the sample?

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
10 Jan 2019

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