18 Nov 2019

A) The simulation shows the electron domain and molecular geometries for a variety of compounds. For example, click the Real Molecules mode and select BrF5 as the molecule. Check the boxes marked Show Lone Pairs (under Options to the right) as well as Molecule Geometry and Electron Geometry (under Name in the bottom left), and the respective geometries should display, which are Square Pyramidal and Octahedral, respectively. The structure of bromine pentafluoride consists of one lone pair and five single bonds.
You can recreate this molecule in the Model mode by adding a single lone pair and 5 single bonds to the central atom (click the Remove All button to start over). You will have successfully recreated the molecule if the displayed molecular and electronic geometries are square pyramidal and octahedral, respectively. Use the Model mode in the simulation to identify the geometries for ozone, phosphate ion, and argon fluorohydride (the Lewis structures are depicted, and the resonance forms can be ignored).
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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
12 Nov 2019

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