20 Nov 2019

Use strain energy increments in the OWL Table Reference (see References button, Strain Energy Increments) to calculate the energy difference between the two chair conformations of the compound below. Specify substituent positions (axial or equatorial) in the more stable chair. Estimate the percent of the more stable chair at equilibrium at 25°C. (To determine the percent of the more stable chair at equilibrium, first calculate Keq, and then use this value to find the percentage.)

Please help with and explain these three problems if you could. Axial, equitorial, or both are the choices for b) and C) ranges from 60 to >95 increasing in increments of 5. Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
25 May 2019

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