23 Nov 2019

I don't need someone to write the whole procedure out.
But I need help on the steps and more specifically a lay outplease.
I especially don't get how to "Use crystallization to isolate themajor organic solid from the minor"
The other 2 goals, I only need help briefly.

Also for the result part, can you tell me what numbers go inthere?
please explain!

Also, will the two neutral organic compounds the ones that Icompare my unknown to?

thank you

Crystallization and Melting Point

Given: 0.070 g of a solid mixture containing two neutral organiccompounds (~ 95:5 ratio).

Chemicals: 95 ethyl alcohol & two standards with similarmelting points to your unknown

Goal #1: Use crystallization to isolate the major organic solidfrom the minor. Determine percent recovery.

Goal #2: Prove that you purified the mixture by taking a meltingpoint of both the starting mixture and the isolated product.

Goals #3: Determine the identity of your unknown by comparing it tothe two standards

Results & Data (fill this in as you obtain theinformation)
Mass of Starting Mixture: _____________
Mass of Isolated Product: _____________
Percent Recovery: _____________
Percent Recovery Calculation:
M.Pt of Starting Mixture: _____________
M.Pt of Isolated Product: _____________
M. Pt of standard ___: _____________ (this will be provided for youin lab)
M. Pt of standard ____: _____________ (this will be provided foryou in lab)
M.Pt product & standard ___: _____________
M.Pt product & standard ___: _____________
Identity of product: ______________ Explain why:

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
19 Oct 2019

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