23 Nov 2019

1. Which of the following statements are true regarding muscle glycogen.

There are multiple correct answers.

If exercise is not to be repeated within 12 hours, then glycogen restoration does not have to be immediately following exercise
The most rapid repletion of glycogen following exercise occurs in the first few hours post exercise.
Consuming some protein along with carbohydrate during immediate recovery from exercise is beneficial.
Higher glycemic index foods enhance glycogen restoration following exercise
It is best to always consume all recovery carbohydrate and protein within 15-30 minutes following exercise

Low carbohydrate diets decrease ones ability to recover from exercise.

2. Choose all statements that are correct and apply to rehydration following exercise

For each pound lost during exercise consume 2 cups of fluid
Choose fluids that help with glycogen restoration, rehydration and electrolyte replacement
For each pound lost during exercise consume 3 cups of fluid
Choose fluids that are low in sugar and sodium, goals listed in Dietary Guidelines.

3. Long term fasting causes which of the following (choose all that apply)?

Increased use of amino acids to make glucose
Inability to burn fat through aerobic metabolism
decreased muscle protein breakdown
Increased production of ketones as an alternative fuel supply
increase in glycerol used to make glucose

Increased use of glycogen for glucose

4. Which of the ergogenic aids discussed in the page 582-584 Nutrition Myth or Fact Section are: Safe, Effective (in some sports or training protocols) and are also legal/ permissible for use in non-professional sports (aka: sport performance) when used according to evidence -based dosing protocols.

Anabolic steroids
Gamma-hydroxybutric acid

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
24 Jun 2019
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