11 Dec 2019

<p>1. (10)What ions and/or molecules are present in relatively large proportions in a solution of a weak acid, HF (aq)?<br />Select all appropriate answers.<br /><br /> H+<br /> HF<br /> F-<br /> HF+<br /> F+<br /> F2+<br /> H2-<br /> F2-<br /> H<br /> F<br /><br />2. (10)What ions and/or molecules are present in relatively large proportions in a solution of a strong base NaOH (aq)?<br />Select all appropriate answers. <br /><br /> NaOH<br /> Na2+<br /> OH2-<br /> OH-<br /> NaO+<br /> OH+<br /> Na<br /> Na+<br /> OH<br /><br />3. (10)What ions and/or molecules are present in relatively large proportions in a solution of a strong acid HClO3 (aq)?<br />Select all appropriate answers.<br /><br /> HClO3<br /> ClO3-<br /> HCl+<br /> Cl+<br /> H+<br /> ClO3+<br /> O3-<br /> O32-<br /> HCl<br /> None of these is present in relatively large proportions<br /><br /> 4. (10)What ions and/or molecules are present in relatively large proportions in a solution of the soluble ionic compound NiCl2 (aq)?<br /> Select all appropriate answers. <br /><br /> Ni2+<br /> NiCl2<br /> Cl22-<br /> Cl2-<br /> Ni+<br /> Cl2-<br /> Ni<br /> Cl<br /> Cl2<br /> Cl-<br /><br />5. (5)Which of the following equations represents the proper net ionic equation for the precipitation of an insoluble sulfide compound from ZnBr2(aq) and Na2S(aq).<br /><br /> Na2S(aq) + ZnBr2(aq) ----&gt; 2 NaBr(aq) + ZnS(s)<br /> Zn2+(aq) + S2-(aq) ----&gt; ZnS(s)<br /> Na2S(aq) + 2 Br-(aq) ----&gt; 2 NaBr(s) + S2-(aq)<br /> Br-(aq) + Na+(aq) ----&gt; NaBr(s)<br /> S2-(aq) + ZnBr2(aq) ----&gt; ZnS(s) + 2 Br-(aq)<br /> 3 S2-(aq) + 2 Zn3+(aq) ----&gt; Zn2S3(s)<br /> Na2+(aq) + Br2-(aq) ----&gt; Na2Br2(s)<br /> Na2S(aq) + ZnBr2(aq) ----&gt; Na2Br2(aq) + ZnS(s)<br /> Zn+(aq) + S-(aq) ----&gt; ZnS(s)<br /><br />6. (5)Which of the following equations represents the proper net ionic equation for the complete neutralization reaction between the strong acid HI(aq) and the weak base NH3(aq)?<br /><br /> H+ (aq) + NH3(aq) ----&gt; NH4+ (aq)<br /> HI (aq) + OH- (aq) ----&gt; H2O (l) + I- (aq)<br /> HI (aq) + NH3(aq) ----&gt; NH4I (aq)<br /> I- (aq) + NH4+ (aq) ----&gt; NH4I (aq)<br /> H+ (aq) + OH- (aq) ----&gt; H2O (l)<br /> HI (aq) + OH- (aq) ----&gt; H2IO (aq)<br /> H+ (aq) + NH4+ (aq) ----&gt; NH5+ (aq)<br /> I- (aq) + OH- (aq) ----&gt; HIO (aq)<br /><br />mark<br /><br /> 7. (5)What are the spectator ions in the solution after completely precipitating an insoluble carbonate compound when mixing Ca(ClO3)2 (aq) and Na2CO3 (aq)?<br /><br /> Ca2+ , ClO3- , Na+ , and CO32-<br /> Na+ and CO32-<br /> CO32- and ClO3-<br /> CO32- and Ca2+<br /> Ca2+ and ClO3-<br /> Ca2+ and Na+<br /> Na+<br /> ClO3-<br /> ClO3- and Na+<br /> Ca2+<br /><br />8. (5)What are the spectator ions in the solution after the complete neutralization reaction occurs when mixing the weak acid H2S (aq) and the strong base KOH (aq)?<br /><br /> H+ , S2- , K+ , and OH-<br /> OH- and K+<br /> H+ and OH-<br /> OH- and S2-<br /> K+ and S2-<br /> K+ and H+<br /> S2- and H+<br /> K+<br /> S2-</p>

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
13 Dec 2019
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