11 Dec 2019

Freezing Point Depression Lab

Objective: To use freezing point to determine the molecular weight of an unknown substance.

In this lab, we used benzophene as the solvent, which has a freezing point of 48.1 degrees celsius and Kf value of 9.80 degrees C/m. The procedure consisted of measuring out 10 g benzophenone in a test tube and melting the substance in a warm water bath. When melted, we removed the test tube from the bath and allowed it to cool. We observed the freezing point. Next, we added half a gram of an unknown substance to the test tube and melted the soultion once more. We observed the freezing point.

My question is the following: How would the experiment be different if we had used water as the solvent? Explain what you would have to change to account for this difference and how you would do it.

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
13 Dec 2019

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