11 Dec 2019

For the following table, match the elements description with the choices in the last column. Put the letter of your answer into the first column labeled “answer”. Answer Description Choices The element that forms long twisted chains of covalent bonds and favors the -2 oxidation state A) lithium The element in group 1A that could also be placed in group 7A B) potassium The halogen that removes electrons from almost any substance that it comes in contact C) iodine The element that has an allotrope that filters out UV rays D) xenon The element that is released as hydrogen peroxide decomposes E) barium An alkaline earth metal used in fireworks to produce the color green F) sulfur The halogen has the same density as bromine G) tellurium The group 1A metal that produces a violet flame H) hydrogen The alkali metal that was once used in 7-up I) fluorine A group 7A non-metal that is a dark purple metallic looking solid whose name means violet J) sodium The most reactive noble gas K) krypton A non-metal that exists as a molecule of eight atoms L) chlorine A soft metal that violently reacts with water to produce hydrogen M) oxygen

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