11 Dec 2019

1. An atom, X, has a ground state binding energy(energy necessary to eject electron from the ground state) of 2.179e-18 J. The line(emission) spectrum for atom X is shown with n=2 to n=1(121.57 nm), n=3 to n=1(102.57 nm), n=4 to n=1(97.254 nm), n=5 to n=1(94.974 nm),and n=6 to n=1(93.780 nm). For each of the emission lines(given as wavelengths in nm), the final state is the ground state, or lowest energy state, of the atom.

a. What is the energy of the third excited state of X?

b. What is the energy of the highest energy state of X that is necessary to account for the emission spectrum?

c. Is it possible for an electron in the ground state of atom X to absorb light of energy 3.03e-19 J? Why or why not?

d. Can atom X emit light of energy 3.03e-19 J? If so, what are the initial and final states of such a transition?

e. Is it possible for X to absorb light of energy 2.5e-18 J? Why or why not?

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
13 Dec 2019

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