12 Dec 2019

so I have following data but I don't know how to calculateforq
temperature of HCL 22.2 C
temperature of NaOH 21.9 C
Final temperature of resulting salt solution (Tf) 22.6 C
so m = 100 g
c=4.18 j g/C
ΔT=30.4 - ?
what is delta T? and after that how do you calculate molesofNaOH or HCL netrualized (moles of rxn)
also how do u calculate:
Enthalpy change (using expt data) for OH- + H+ --->H2O(l)
standard enthalpy of formation H2O
Calculated enthalpy of formation of OH-
please help me!!
Hello guys. I have to do these calculations but I can seemtodo it and I am stuck. So can someone please help me calculatethesevalues?
We know that the specific heat of water (same for solutionforthis expt) is 4.18 J/g C
and densities of all solutions are 1.00 g/mL
Temp of HCl: 22.2 C
Temp of NaOH: 22.0 C
so initial Temp is average of those two which is 22.1 C
final temperature of the resulting salt solution: 22.6
m= 100g
c=4.18 J/g C
ΔT= 22.6 - 22.1 = 0.5 C
so q = (100)(4.18)(0.5)
q= 209 J
so q rxn = -q soln
so =209 J
ok now how do you calculate moles of NaOH or HCLneutralized (molesof rxn)
once we get moles of rxn we can calculate theenthalpyof neutralization of rxn
which is calculated by qrxn/(molesofrxn)
so how do you calculate:
enthalpy change (using expt data) for OH-+H+ -> H2O (l)
standard enthalpy for formation H2O(l)(ΔH)
calculated enthalpy for formation OH-(aq)(ΔH)

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
13 Dec 2019

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