12 Dec 2019

MECHANISMS: Consider the following mechanism for the reaction:

Step 1: E(g) <===> 3 B(g) (fast, but reversible)

Step 2: 2 B(g) -----> C(g) + D(g) (slow)

Step 3: B(g) + D(g) ------> G(g) (fast)

a) What is the overall reaction?

b) What is the rate law for the overall reaction? The order(s) might be fractions.

c) What are the intermediates in the mechanism?

d) What is the rate determining step in the mechanism?

e) What is the molecularity of each of the elementary steps?

f) What is the difference between a transition state and an intermediate?

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
13 Dec 2019

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