13 Dec 2019

  1. What mass (kg) of thesolute glycerol should be added to 3.61 L of the solvent H2O to produce a solution that contains16.3 parts perhundred by mass glycerol?
  2. What volume (mL) of the soluteC6H6 should be added to 7.41 L of the solventC4H8O to make a solution that contains 1.89pph by mass C6H 6?
  3. Calculate the mass (kg) of the solute(CH3)2CO and the mass (kg) of the solventC2H5OH that should be combined to prepare3950 g of a solution that is 1.86 parts per hundred by mass (CH3)2CO.
  4. What mass (kg) of the solvent(CH3)2CO should be added to 1190 g of thesolute acetonitrile to produce a solution that is16.4% by massacetonitrile?
  5. A 4.11 kg sample of a solution of the solutemethylene chloride in the solvent C2H5OH thathas a concentration of28.6% by mass methylene chloride isavailable. Calculate theamount (kg) of CH2Cl2that is present in the sample.
  6. What mass (kg) of the solvent HCCl3should be added to 1.91 L of the solute C6H6to generate a solution that is 18.2 pph by massC6H6?

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
17 Dec 2019

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