13 Dec 2019

The various gas laws canbe used to describe air, which is a mixture of gases. In somecases, these laws have direct application to the air that webreathe.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

a) How long does it take a person at rest to breatheone mole of air if the person breathes78.0<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /> ml/s of air that is measured at 25 degre celciusand 755 mmHg?

b) Typically, when a person coughs, he or she firstinhales about 2.40 L of air at 1.00atm and 25 degre celcius. The epiglottis and the vocal cords then shut,trapping the air in the lungs, where it is warmed to 37 degrecelcius and compressed to a volume of about1.70 L by the action of the diaphragm andchest muscles. The sudden opening of the epiglottis and vocal cordsreleases this air explosively. Just prior to this release, what isthe approximate pressure of the gas inside the lungs?

c) Helium-oxygen mixtures are used by divers to avoidthe bends and are used in medicine to treat some respiratoryailments. What percent (by moles) of He ispresent in a helium-oxygen mixture having a density of 0.508g/Lat 25 degre celciusand 721 mmHg


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