13 Dec 2019

Air is a mixture of several gases. The 10 most abundant of these gases are listed here along with their mole fractions and molar masses.

Component Mole fraction Molar mass
Nitrogen 0.78084 28.013
Oxygen 0.20948 31.998
Argon 0.00934 39.948
Carbon dioxide 0.000375 44.0099
Neon 0.00001818 20.183
Helium 0.00000524 4.003
Methane 0.000002 16.043
Krypton 0.00000114 83.80
Hydrogen 0.0000005 2.0159
Nitrous oxide 0.0000005 44.0128

What mass of carbon dioxide is present in 1.00 m3 of dry air at a temperature of 25 degrees∘C and a pressure of 745 torr ?

Express your answer with the appropriate units.

Thank you in advance

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
17 Dec 2019

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