13 Dec 2019

1)How many Se atoms are there in a 93.2 gram sample of Se ?

2)How many grams of Cr are there in a sample of Cr that contains 3.93×1023atoms?

3)A sample of Na weighs 36.0 grams. Will a sample of Ge that contains the same number of atoms weigh more or less than 36.0 grams? (more, less):

Calculate the mass of a sample of Ge that contains the same number of atoms.
grams of Ge

4)1. How many GRAMS of zinc nitrate are present in 4.29 moles of this compound ? grams.

2. How many MOLES of zinc nitrate are present in 1.69 grams of this compound ? moles.
5)1. How many MOLES of carbon tetrafluoride are present in 4.90 grams of this compound ? moles.

2. How many GRAMS of carbon tetrafluoride are present in 1.36 moles of this compound ? grams

6)1. How many GRAMS of phosphorus are present in 2.80 moles of phosphorus triiodide ? grams.

2. How many MOLES of iodine are present in 4.92 grams of phosphorus triiodide ? moles.


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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
17 Dec 2019

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