13 Dec 2019

1. In this distillation experiment we start the experiment with 10 mL of liquid mixture ofcyclohexane and toluene. However, it is not possible to obtain all 10 mL back under thecurrent procedure particularly for fractional distillation. Explain why that is the case for distillation and in particular for fractional distillation.

2. How could you modify the experiment and collect all 10 mL of the startingmaterials.

3. Plot a theoretical distillation curve of temperature (y-axis) vs. volume in mL (x-axis) fora 15 mL of a mixture containing 60% 1-propanol and 40% 2-propanol. Are these twocompounds easier to separate by distillation than cyclohexane and toluene? Explain youranswer.

4. In this experiment you were asked to collect two fractions and early fraction and a latefraction. Which of the two fractions would be richer in cyclohexane? Would there be adifference between the percent of cyclohexane in the fractions collected from fractionalvs. simple distillation.

5. What method of purification would you use to purify methanol from a solution ofmethanol and NaCl? Be specific and explain your choice of method.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
17 Dec 2019

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