13 Dec 2019

Answer the following questions or fill in the blanks using information contained in the periodic table.

a) Boron has properties of both metals and nonmetals and is called a _____________.

b) Transition metals are also known as _____-block elements when writing electron configurations.

c) Certain nonmental elements like to exist as a pair (H2, F2, etc...) and are called _____________.

d) Rows in the periodic table are called _____________.

e) Group 18 elements are better known as_______________.

f) Iced tea would be best described as a (heterogeneous/homogeneous) mixture.

g) Most atoms on the periodic table strive to have______ electrons in their outer shell.

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
17 Dec 2019

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