13 Dec 2019

Calculate the change in Gibbs free energy for each of the following sets of ΔHrxn, ΔSrxn, and T.

Part A

ΔH∘rxn= 90. kJ , ΔSrxn= 152 J/K , T= 303 K

Express your answer using two significant figures.

ΔG = kJ

Part B

ΔH∘rxn= 90. kJ , ΔSrxn= 152 J/K , T= 750 K

Express your answer using two significant figures.

ΔG = kJ

Part C

ΔH∘rxn= 90. kJ , ΔSrxn=− 152 J/K , T= 303 K

Express your answer using two significant figures.

ΔG = kJ

Part D

ΔH∘rxn=− 90. kJ , ΔSrxn= 152 J/K , T= 407 K

Express your answer using two significant figures.

ΔG = kJ

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
17 Dec 2019

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