18 Dec 2019

I only need the answer to part D)...hint: the answer is not 1.93 x 10^5 c nor 3.2 x 10^-19

The overall cell reaction occurring in an alkaline battery is:

Zn(s) + MnO2(s) + H2O(l) ---> ZnO(s) + Mn(OH)2(s)

a) How many moles of electrons flow per mole of reaction?............answer: 2. Mol e-Note:

b) If 6.09g of zinc is oxidized, how many grams of manganese dioxide and of water are consumed?

Grams MNnO2 ???? answer : 8.092 g

grams H2O ????? answer: 1.676 g

c) What is the total mass of reactants consumed in part (b)?.......grams??? answer: 15.858 g

d) How many coulombs are produced in part (b)?.....I need this answer in scientific notation.

repeat the answer is NOT 1.93 x 10^5 (both of these parts are wrong....the 1.93 and the 10^5)

nor is the the answer 3.2 x 10^-19 ,,,both parts were wrong here as well

Thank you...

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
31 Dec 2019

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