
Periodic Properties I

A hypothetical element, X, has the following ionization energy values:

First ionization energy: 900 kJ/mol

Second ionization energy: 1750 kJ/mol

Third ionization energy: 14,900 kJ/mol

Fourth ionization energy: 21,000 kJ/mol


Another element, Y, has the following ionization energy values:

First ionization energy: 1200 kJ/mol

Second ionization energy: 2500 kJ/mol

Third ionization energy: 19,900 kJ/mol

Fourth ionization energy: 26,000 kJ/mol  

  1. To what family of the periodic table would element X be most likely to belong? Explain?
  2. What charge would you expect dement X to have when it forms an ion?  
  3. If you were to place elements X and Y into the periodic table, would element Y be in the same period as element X? If not in the same period, where might they be relative to each other in the periodic table?
  4. Would an atom of Y be smaller or larger than an atom of X? Explain your reasoning.

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Robert Kubara
Robert KubaraLv10
19 Nov 2020

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