
Draw the Lewis structure for , then answer the following questions:

a. How many valence electrons does this compound have?

b. How many bonded electrons does this compound have?

c. How many lone pairs of electrons does this compound have?

d. How many single bonds does this compound have?

e. How many double bonds does this compound have?

f. What is the electron group arrangement (aka electron pair geometry) (enter one of the following: linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, octahedral)?

g. What is the molecular arrangement (aka shape) (enter one of the following: linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal, bent, trigonal bipyramidal, seesaw, T-shaped, octahedral, square pyramidal, square planar)?

h. Predict the approximate bond angle (enter e.g. 90, 109.5, 120, 180, <109.5, >109.5).

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Angelli Ocampo
Angelli OcampoLv7
27 Jan 2021

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