
The chemical equation for the dissolution of lithium chloride LiCl is: LiCl(s)+H2O=Li+(aq)+Cl-(aq)

ΔH = -37.4 kJ/mol.

Select the ΔH values associated with the dissolution of lithium chloride that are exothermic

a. ΔH1: energy associated with the separation of water molecules

b. ΔH2: energy associated with the separation of LiCl ions

c. ΔH3: energy associated with the  formation of water-ion interaction

d. ΔH: The enthalpy of reaction


Predict what must happen when a beaker containing a solution of lithium chloride is heated.

a. The ΔH will decrease

b. The reaction will become endothermic

c. The ΔH3 value will increase

d. Energy will be transferred into the system


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Iris Mandia
Iris MandiaLv9
17 Jan 2021
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