
Consider the following IS-LM Model

C = 202 + 0.48Yd

I = 148 + 0.14Y - 834i

G = 275

T = 218

(M/P)^d = 2.4Y - 7434i

M/P = 1548

IS EQUATION Y=1361.47-2194.74i

LM EQUATION i=-0.20823+0.00032y

a. solve the equilibrium real output,Y. 1068

Y=? round to the nearest integer

B. solve for equilibrium interest rate?

c. determine the equilibrium value of C?

d. determine the equilibrium value of I?

E. using the answers above, determine the value of C+I+G? round to the nearest integer.

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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