
(1) If a demand curve shifts to the left, then:
a) price would go up and quantity would go down
b) price would go down and quantity would go up
c) a lower price and quantity would result
d) a higher price and quantity would result

(2) Demand and supply curves are drawn assuming ceterisparibus.This means that:
a) economists ignore all assumptions
b) economists don't watch for the fallacy of false cause
c) changes will be proportional
d) all other things besides price and quantity are unchanged

(3) If steak and potatoes are complements, when the price ofsteakgoes up, the demand curve for potatoes:
a) shifts to the right
b) shifts to the left
c) stays the same
d) shifts to the right and then moves back

(4) Given that chicken and beef are substitute goods, if thepriceof chicken decreases substantially, there would be:
a) an increase in the demand for beef
b) a decrease in the demand for beef
c) a decrease in the quantity for beef demanded
d) no change in the demand for beef

(5) Every day for the past two years you've had ham and cheese onawhole wheat bagel for lunch at Bungalow Bob's BagelBoutique.However, the price of whole wheat bagels has risen by 10cents sotoday you decide to have ham and cheese on rye bagel. Inthis case,whole wheat and rye bagels are best considered:

a) superior goods
b) normal goods
c) substitute goods
d) complementary goods

(6) For most goods, purchases tend to rise with increases inbuyers'incomes and to fall with decreases in buyers' incomes. Suchgoodsare known as:

a) inferior goods
b) direct goods
c) normal goods
d) luxury goods

(7) Economists know that a particular good can be classified asaninferior good if a(n)______ increase in buyers' incomecausesa(n)_____

a) increase; increase in demand
b) increase; increase in quantity demanded
c) increase; decrease in demand
d) decrease; decrease in demand

(8) An increase in the demand for medical services caused byanincrease in the number of people 65 is most likely attributabletowhich demand shifter?

a) income
b) consumer preferences
c) prices of other goods
d) demographic characteristics

(9) Which of the following would shift the demand curve fornewtextbooks to the right?

a) a decrease in the price of paper
b) a fall in the price of used textbooks
c) an increase in college enrollments
d) a fall in the price of new textbooks

(10) How a supply curve is sloped and located depends on:

a) technology
b) resources prices
c) the number of producers or sellers
d) all of the above

(11) A decrease in supply means:

a) a shift to the left of the entire supply curve
b) moving downward (to the left) along the supply curve withlowerprices
c) less will be demanded at every price
d) more will be supplied at every price

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Kelleb Mloyi
Kelleb MloyiLv2
28 Sep 2019
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