
Moral hazard is not eliminated in debt financing because

A) borrowers have an incentive to assume greater risk than is in the interest of the lender.

B) firms with a great deal of debt often go bankrupt.

C) principal-agent problems are greater with debt financing than with equity financing.

D) the use of restrictive covenants tends to increase moral hazard.

Why are corporations more likely to raise funds externally by debt instead of equity?

A) moral hazard is less of a problem with debt contracts

B) transactions costs tend to be higher in the stock market than bond market

C) to avoid paying dividends

D) interest rates tend to be lower than dividend rates

Which of the following is NOT a bank liability?

A) checkable deposits

B) CDs

C) mortgage loans

D) borrowings from the Federal Reserve

Banks use repurchase agreements to

A) ensure that payments on consumer loans are made on time.

B) borrow funds from business firms or other banks.

C) guard against price fluctuations on long-term bonds.

D) ensure that they always have enough funds on hand to meet their federal tax liabilities.

If a bank has a leverage ratio of 0.1 and a return on capital of 2%, what is its return on equity?

A) 0.2%

B) 2.1%

C) 5%

D) 20%

Which of the following statements about checking deposits is true?

A) It is a liability for both households and banks.

B) It is an asset for both households and banks.

C) It is an asset for households but a liability for a bank.

D) It is a liability for households but an asset for a bank.

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Paramjeet Chawla
Paramjeet ChawlaLv8
28 Sep 2019
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