


Sample Paragraph using the Chunked Method of presenting and explaining the evidence:

Saki's use of irony in "The Lumber Room" helps convey his belief that "the older, wiser, and better people" are not always right. (1) Readers can immediately recognize the ironic tone of the narrative when at breakfast Nicholas insists there is a frog in this bread-and-milk, and the aunt assures Nicholas that this is not impossible (Saki 1). However, it turns out there is a frog in Nicholas' bread-and-milk -- and he put them himself (Saki 1). The narrator enforces the iconic tone of this situation when he observes "the older, wiser, and better people had been proved to be profoundly in error in matters about which they had expressed the utmost assurance" (Saki 1). We see another ironic twist when the strict aunt requests Nicholas to come into the place she forbade him from entering: the gooseberry garden. The aunt is trapped in a rain-water tank with no way to get out, so she must call Nicholas for help. Nicholas objects to helping her saying, "Your voice doesn't sound like aunt's... you may be the Evil One tempting me to be disobedient..." (Saki 3). He then walks away, and the maid is the one that rescues the aunt. This narrative shows  irony in that Nicolas..

From the sample body paragraph, which is an example of evidence?

A. Instead of Nicholas being punished, he is rewarded for his imaginative thinking...

B. Nicholas cleverly points out her contradiction and leaves her to fend for herself.

C. Nicholas objects to helping her saying "Your voice doesn't sound like aunt's..." (Saki 3).


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