20 Mar 2018

4. Sketch the graphs of the following functions in (a) through (c). You should explicitly address each of the following aspects in your solution. (1) Is the function even, odd, or neither under reflection about the y axis? (ii) What are the domain and range of the function? (iii) Does the function have any asymptotes (vertical, horizontal, or slant)? (iv) What is the y-intercept? (v) Find all roots (a-intercepts) of the function. If the function has no roots, state this explicitly, along with your reasoning. (vi) Find any global (absolute) extrema (maxima or minima). What is the maximal or minimal value? If there are no global extrema, state so explicitly, along with your reasoning -3+1 = ()4 (2)

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
22 Mar 2018
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