
13. A nutrition bar that contains almonds, tapioca syrup, cane sugar, dark chocolate, cocoa butter, vanilla, palm kernel oil, organic soybeans, organic cranberries, organic sea salt and sunflower oil contains how many sources of carbohydrate.

a. 5

b. 6

c. 7

d. 8

14. When using the Exchange System, what size is a meat exchange?

a. 1 oz

b. 2 oz

c. 3 oz

d. 4 oz

15. Blood sugar levels are monitored by measuring glucose or what other blood components?

a. Hemoglobin A1c

b. Blood lipid levels

c. Thyroxin

d. Antioxidants

16. Clients with cancer or HIV should have?

a. Larger intake of whole grain foods

b. Greater dependence on diet foods

c. High protein and high calorie foods

d. Three large meal each day

17. What is the origin of the majority of sodium in the diets of Americans?

a. Adding salt at the table

b. Adding salt during cooking

c. Using sea salt instead of iodized salt

d. Salt added during processing and manufacturing

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