
1. Cystic fibrosis is a recessive trait. What would the genotype of a carrier be? Make sure to show your code.

2. Huntington’s disease is a dominant trait. Cross a heterozygous woman with a normal man. What are the chances that they produce a child with Huntington’s disease?

3. What are the possible genotypes for a person with type B blood?

4. One type of hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive condition. Cross a man with hemophilia with a normal woman. What is the chance that they produce a daughter with hemophilia?

5. What are the possible gametes for a plant with the genotype AaBb?

_____1. Who is the “Father of genetics?”

(a) Darwin (b) Woese (c) Mendel (d) Punnett (e) Bateson

_____2. Which of the following molecules stores the genetic information within a cell?

(a) DNA (b) RNA (c) protein (d) enzymes (e) glucose

_____3. A cell that contains two of the same alleles for the same gene is termed:

(a) heterozygous (b) homozygous (c) haploid (d) recessive (e) dominant

_____4. Different versions of genes are called:

(a) proteins (b) enzymes (c) phenotypes (d) alleles (e) haploid

_____5. Dominant alleles are written with:

(a) uppercase letters (b) boxes (c) lowercase letters (d) circles (e) dashes

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
6 Nov 2019
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