23 Nov 2019

A free neutron has a lifetime of roughly 18 minutes beforeitdecays into a proton, electron, and neutrino.
A. An observer in a lab attachedto the earthseesa uranium atom fission and observes that one of the neutronstakesabout 30 minutes to decay. What is this observers bestestimateof the speed and energy of that neutron before itdecayed?
B.Anobserver in a rocketship passes over the lab at aspeed of0.8c relative to the earth, and she sees the neutronappear as aresult of the fission and then decay. By fortune,this observersmotion is according to the observer on earth,parallel to thedirection in which the neutron is moving. Howlong does it take theneutron to decay according to the observer inthe rocket? What isher estimate of the neutrons speed andenergy?

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