23 Nov 2019

How can 2 be correct if 1 is correct?
We apply Lenz's law: The change in magnetic flux must be opposed bythe induced magnetic field.

1- At position number 1 the magnetic field caused by the wire isdirected out of the paper. The coil is moving into an area ofgreater magnetic field and closer to the wire. Thus, the fluxthrough the coil is increasing. According to Lenz's law thisincrease must be countered by the induced field. The direction ofthe induced field as a result goes into the paper. So, the currentin the coil is clockwise.

2- At position number 2 the magnetic field is going into the paperand decreasing as the coil is moving away from the wire. Again,according to Lenz's law the induced magnetic field must counter.Thus the induced field must go into the paper. As a result thecurrent in the coil is clockwise in this case also.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
5 Jan 2019

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