26 Nov 2019

1a. Which of the following statements are IMPOSSIBLE?Choose all that apply.
The parked motorcycle had 0 J ofKE. The truck had 7325 J of KE and0kg·m/s of momentum. A ball movingin a circle had 0 N of net forceacting on it. A box had anacceleration of 2109 m/s2while a net force of 888 Nacted on it. Jill exerted 136 N of forcedue east ona cart. As a direct result, the cart exerted 136 N offorce dueeast upon Jill. A fork exerts a greater gravitationalforceupon Earth than Earth exerts upon it.

b. Which of the following statements are IMPOSSIBLE? Choose allthat apply.
A car drove down the highway with aspeed of -80 mph. A trucktraveled a distance of -27mi. A motorcycle slowed down and hadanacceleration of 3 m/s2. A rock wasthrown straight upinto the air. At the peak, its speed was 9.8m/s. 1 km = 100 m Anobjectmoved a total distance of 19 m and had a total displacementof 18m.

c. Which of the following can have the exact same units asLENGTH?Choose all thatapply.
energy volume timeimage height momentum distance

d. Which of the following can be measured in OUNCES? Choose allthat apply.
work pressure kineticenergy centripetal force free fallaccelerationnet force

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
8 Jan 2019

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