
 A neutron is an electrically neutral subatomic particle with a mass just slightly greater than that of a proton. A free neutron is radioactive and decays after a few minutes into other subatomic particles. In one experiment, a neutron at rest was observed to decay into a proton (mass  ) and an electron (mass ). The proton and electron were shot out back to back. The proton speed was measured to be and the electron speed is . N other decay products were detected.

(a) Was momentum conserved in the decay of this neutron?

(b) If a neutrino was emitted in the above neutron decay, in which direction did it travel? Explain your reasoning.

(c) How much momentum did this neutrino ”carry away” with it?

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Anil Kumar G.
Anil Kumar G.Lv10
23 Dec 2020
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