CHEM 1500 Chapter 2: CHEM CHAPTER 2.docx

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The blast furnace for extracting iron from iron ore appeared as early as a. d 1300. Important chemicals as sulfuric acid (oil of vitriol), nitric acid (aqua fortis), and sodium sulfate (glauber"s salt) we all well known and used several hundred years ago. Chemistry cannot be said to have entered the modern age until the process of combustion was explained. Next, we explore the direct link between the explanation of combustion and dalton"s atomic theory. 1774, antoine lavoisier performed an experiment in which he heated a sealed glass vessel containing a sample of tin and some air. He found that the mass before heating (glass vessel + tin + air) and after heating (glass vessel + tin calx + remaining air) were the same. Through further experiments, he showed that the product of the reaction, tin calx (tin oxide), consisted of the original tin together with a portion of the air.