HLTH 230 Study Guide - Cardiovascular Disease, Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Bone Density

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The characteristics that enable the body to : perform physical activity, ability to meet routine physical demands, have enough energy reserve to rise to a physical challenge, the body"s ability to withstand stress of all kinds. If you are fit: joints are flexible, muscles are strong, body is lean with just enough fat, endurance to do daily physical activities, reserve energy to handle challenges, prepared to meet mental and emotional challenges. Fitness: dependant on a minimum amount of physical activity or exercise, both involve. Sedentary: physically inactive, become weak, become unfit, begin to feel unwell, develop chronic diseases. Physical inactivity: heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, hypertension. Costs to health care system are in billions. Fewer nutrient deficiencies: improved body composition. Increases or maintains lean tissue: improved bone density. Low risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, and others: strong circulation and lung function. Strengthens the circulatory system: low risk of cardiovascular disease. Reduces risk of heart attacks and strokes.