PSY336H1 Lecture 6: Lecture 6

44 views3 pages
18 Jul 2011

Document Summary

Social comparison: comparing yourself to other people, when you"re sick, you could think: it could"ve been worse , a person has gratitude-inducing stuff all over the place. March 2, 2011: new set of possibilities, ultimate weakness; brings it to light strengthen appreciation of things. Closing of the mind self rigid bounded self. gratitude diaries people less physically ill. not too much different from other people (small effects) but still statistically significant. finding not too strong: people will degenerative disorders: o2 comparison groups. 2 points on gratitude scale increase after gratitude diary. 4. 8 life appraisal 5. 4/5. 0 larger impact than normal people. did not physically change anything; reality didn"t really change, but subjectively, huge change. set of possibility canges ochristopher reeve: awe: hug from family (detect temperature changes) encourages him. physical vastness (take you out of your physical frame of reference)