UNI101Y1 Study Guide - Life Insurance

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Document Summary

Human pop. growth during the last 10 000 years has been one of the most significant ecological developments in earth"s history. Food supply no longer limited survival and reproduction after the advent of agriculture. The industrial revolution brought improvements w/ public health and medicine and increasing material wealth. Pop. doubled from 3 billion to 6 billion in only 40 years (1. 7% growth per year) Further growth will stress the biosphere and lead to the continued degradation of many natural envmts. Predicting future is difficult b/c many unknown possibilities. Changes in technology, emergence of epidemic diseases of humans or their crops and livestock, and changes in material wealth, education, culture. Concern for human pop. growth has led to. The develpmt of mathematical techniques to predict the growth of pop. (one aspect of ddeemmooggrraapphhyy [the study of populations] And to intensive study of natural and laboratory pop. to learn about mechanism of pop. regulation.