ENG 1120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Amy Tan, Fourth Wall, Metanarrative

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New/ formalist/ close criticism is a critical approach that analyzes, interprets and evaluates the inherent features of a text. This kind of criticism requires close reading in order to discover how a work of literature functions as a self-contained, self-referential object. Intertextuality or allusion (cid:894)the boat a(cid:374)d the father"s (cid:271)ooks(cid:895) is the shaping of texts" meanings by other texts. A figure of speech or text that makes a reference to, people, places, events, or other literary works either directly or by implication. It (cid:272)a(cid:374) i(cid:374)(cid:272)lude a(cid:374) author"s (cid:271)orro(cid:449)i(cid:374)g a(cid:374)d tra(cid:374)sfor(cid:373)atio(cid:374) of a prior text. Metafiction is the kind of fiction that consciously explores its own nature green grass, running water (pg. Historiographic metafiction is a narrative technique of defining our myths in order to resist them in a self- conscious manner. New historicism is an exclaim that nothing can be made without the suggestion from its time.