LAW 122 Study Guide - Qualified Privilege, Personal Services, Fundamental Breach

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Chapter 1 risk management and sources of law. The process of identifying, evaluating and, responding to the possibility of harmful events. Steering clear of potentially damaging situations altogether. (i. e. refusing to engage in an activity that carries risk/liability) Instead of assuming entire risk, receiving collateral to ensure you cannot lose. (i. e. offering mortgage) Accepting that damage or loss might occur, and that other avenues to prevent this would not be feasible. (i. e. being aware of issues and risks and dealing with them as they arise) A rule that can be enforced by the courts. The only civil law jurisdiction in canada today exists in quebec. Trace their history to england - exists in rest of canada, australia, new zealand and most of us. A geographical area that uses the same set of laws. Concerned with governments and how they deal with their citizens: constitutional law basic rules of our political/legal systems; who is entitled to create and enforce laws.